About i4Kids

The i4Kids is a strategic initiative of Terence Dermody, Vira I. Heinz Professor and chair of the Department of Pediatrics, and a joint effort between the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh focused on improving children’s health by combatting infectious and inflammatory diseases through catalyzing new multi-disciplinary collaborations across the health sciences, natural and physical sciences, computer science, and engineering. Infection is the leading cause of death in children under 5 worldwide, and infectious and inflammatory diseases are the leading causes of child hospitalization in the US. The i4Kids aims to become the epicenter of research, discovery, prevention, and treatment of these diseases in children as the foundation of improving the health of future generations. The i4Kids welcomes the participation of anyone in the research or philanthropic communities interested in improving pediatric health through pilot grants, an annual symposium, a speaker series, and networking events to facilitate the formation of new cross-disciplinary collaborations.