Emerging skin-targeted drug delivery strategies to engineer immunity: A focus on infectious diseases.

01 Feb 2021
Korkmaz E, Balmert SC, Carey CD, Erdos G, Falo LD Jr


Infectious pathogens are global disrupters. Progress in biomedical science and technology has expanded the public health arsenal against infectious diseases. Specifically, vaccination has reduced the burden of infectious pathogens. Engineering systemic immunity by harnessing the cutaneous immune network has been particularly attractive since the skin is an easily accessible immune-responsive organ. Recent advances in skin-targeted drug delivery strategies have enabled safe, patient-friendly, and controlled deployment of vaccines to cutaneous microenvironments for inducing long-lived pathogen-specific immunity to mitigate infectious diseases, including COVID-19.


This review briefly discusses the basics of cutaneous immunomodulation and provides a concise overview of emerging skin-targeted drug delivery systems that enable safe, minimally invasive, and effective intracutaneous administration of vaccines for engineering systemic immune responses to combat infectious diseases.


engineering of the cutaneous microenvironment using emerging skin-targeted vaccine delivery systems offers remarkable potential to develop diverse immunization strategies against pathogens. Mechanistic studies with standard correlates of vaccine efficacy will be important to compare innovative intracutaneous drug delivery strategies to each other and to existing clinical approaches. Cost-benefit analyses will be necessary for developing effective commercialization strategies. Significant involvement of industry and/or government will be imperative for successfully bringing novel skin-targeted vaccine delivery methods to market for their widespread use.