Neonatal Toxic Shock Syndrome-Like Exanthematous Disease in North America.
Neonatal Toxic Shock Syndrome-Like Exanthematous Disease in North America.
Neonatal toxic shock syndrome (TSS)-like exanthematous disease (NTED) is a syndrome first reported in Japan. Neonates develop systemic exanthema, thrombocytopenia, and fever usually during the first week of life. The disease is distinguished from frank TSS because affected infants are not severely ill and do not meet TSS criteria. Most infants are confirmed to be colonized with TSST-1 producing strains of S. aureus. Suggested diagnostic criteria for NTED include a skin rash with generalized macular erythema and one of the following symptoms: fever >38.0°C, thrombocytopenia <150 x103uL, or low positive C-reactive protein (1-5 mg/dL) in the absence of another known disease process. NTED is common in Japanese NICUs, but outside Japan, only one case has been reported in France. We describe the first case of NTED reported in North America.