3 new i4Kids pilot projects awarded for 2021
09 Jul 2021
i4Kids is excited to announce 3 new projects that will receive the i4Kids Pilot Grant for our 2nd grant funding cycle FY22. One of the top priorities of the i4Kids Pilot Grants is to encourage innovative areas of research by supporting new cross-disciplinary collaborations aimed at improving pediatric health. Congratulations to this year's awardees!
2021 Pilot Grant Awardees
KGF to reduce bladder injury and susceptibility to urinary tract infection in neuropathic bladdersCatherine Forster, MD MS (Department: Pediatrics, Division: Pediatric Hospital Medicine) Carlton Bates, MD (Department: Pediatrics, Division: Nephrology)
FSTL-1 Regulation of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Self-Renewal
Brian Campfield, MD (Department: Pediatrics, Division: Infectious Diseases) Craig Byersdorfer, MD PhD (Department: Pediatrics, Division: Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapies)
Investigation of EVD68 Pathogenesis in the Human Spinal Cord Megan Culler Freeman, MD PhD (Department: Pediatrics, Division: Infectious Diseases)
With generous support from the Richard King Mellon Foundation.