Dr. Andrew Nowalk is Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Clinical Director in the Division of Infectious Diseases in the Department of Pediatrics at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. A 1999 graduate of the MD PhD program at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, he completed Pediatric residency and Infectious Disease fellowship training at UPMC Children’s Hospital before joining the faculty in 2005. He maintains clinical practice and an active research program in Lyme disease and infections in compromised hosts and serves as Co-Program Director of the Pediatric Residency Program. He designed and co-leads the Pediatric Scientist Development Program pathway in the residency at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Andrew Nowalk is Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Clinical Director in the Division of Infectious Diseases in the Department of Pediatrics at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. After completing his undergraduate degree at Georgetown University, he entered the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine MD/PhD program in 1990. He completed his PhD in 1997 and his MD in 1999, and chose to do his pediatric residency here at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. He completed residency, chief residency, and an infectious disease fellowship at Children's in 2005, joining the faculty of the School of Medicine. He continues to maintain clinical practice and an active research program in Lyme disease immunology and pathogenesis, beginning with K08 and ARRA funding and continuing now in collaborative efforts with multiple sites in western Pennsylvania. His program has extended to examination of clinical parameters of the Lyme disease epidemic in western Pennsylvania and nationally in studies of pediatric Lyme disease cases. Additionally, he continues to provide expertise in the study of multidrug resistant organisms (MDRO) in pediatric and adult populations, He continues to participate in work on data science modeling of infectious diseases.
In addition to his research interests, Dr. Nowalk serves as a key faculty for education efforts in the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the UPMC Graduate Medical Education program. He has served a Co-Program Director for the Pediatric Residency Program at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC since 2014. Among his educational efforts has been development of the Pediatric Scientist Development Program track and the Research Oriented Activities for Residents (ROAR) program in 2015. Dr. Nowalk has received multiple teaching awards and participates in courses and electives throughout all years of the medical school curriculum, as well as teaching residents and fellows in the Department of Pediatrics.